Committees and Executive Board

Mission Hills Garden Club
325 W. Washington #166
San Diego, CA 92103

Please click on any club officer below to contact Mission Hills Garden Club officers or email

  • President – Elaine Wilson
    • Preside at meetings of the membership and the Executive Board, act as spokesperson for the Club, Facilitates the board in setting goals and maintaining financial integrity.  Supports proper record-keeping.  Remains on the Board for one year in an advisory capacity as immediate Past President.
  • Secretary – Hilary Hager 
    • Keep original copies of all Club documents. Take minutes at monthly Executive Board meetings. Carry on the official correspondence of the Club.
  • Programs – Martha Pehl
    • Research topics, arrange, introduce, and manage the speaker’s presentation for monthly meetings. Perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President. 
  • Treasurer - Barbara Mandel
    • Have charge and custody of all funds and securities of the Club. Be signatory on Club bank accounts. Prepare Club's annual budget with advice from the Executive Board. Receive and give receipts for monies due. Keep and maintain accounts of Club's business transactions including assets, and liabilities. Provide monthly financial reports to the Executive Board.
  • Membership - April Williams
    • Compile and maintain the membership list. Responsible for communication with members. Provide sign-in sheets and name tags at in-person events. Ensure payment of dues.
  • Communications – Deanna Sampson
    • Responsible for communication with members, the community and the media, including social media communication. Responsible for the creating and maintaining the website including posting of board documents.
  • Community Enhancement Committee – Michelle McNeal and Ken Ralph
    • Present to the Executive Board ways our club can support the greater community. Funding for school and community gardens, neighborhood beautification projects, partnering with other non-profit organizations are current examples. Organize outreach programs including, but not limited to the Green Thumb awards.
  • Green Thumb Award Committee – Cathi Lopez
    • This stealth committee is responsible for a surprise, special recognition for a Mission Hills garden that has gone the extra mile.
  • Scholarship Committee - Judith Krumholz, Ken Ralph, Elaine Wilson, Melanie Peterson
    • Interacts with local community colleges to distribute funds for horticultural scholarships and to publicize awardees.
  • Garden Walk  Lara Gates & Anne Fehlman
    • Plan and execute our primary fundraiser, the Mission Hills Garden Walk. Creation of subcommittees which may include advertising, communications, music, art, etc.
  • Hospitality –  Cathi Lopez & Elaine Wilson
    • Responsible for logistics associated with general and special meetings, providing or organizing refreshments for general meetings. Meeting and greeting members and guests at general meetings.
  • Historian – Nancy Carol Carter
    • Collect, organize and retain photographs, documents and objects that record and illustrate the activities, events and community involvement of the garden club. This does not include minutes, tax returns or other administrative records.
  • Special Events Committee - Anne Fehlman & Hilary Hager
    • Organize club events that provide education, enlightenment, and entertainment beyond regular meetings, for example field trips, social events, children's events and coffee/tea/wine in the garden event.
  • Meeting Enhancement - Ellen Preston
    • Organize activities at the meetings like plant clipping exchanges and Raffles.

  • If you have additional ideas for other activities, we'd love to hear from you.

Our Mission: To educate, to engage, to beautify, and to give back. Contact us |

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