Join us for our next meeting

Thursday, January 23, 2025 

Mission Hills Church of Christ - Church Hall

6:00pm - 8:00p

Roses – Beth Van Boxtel

Beth is a San Diego native, a certified Consulting Rosarian, and a UCCE Master Gardener.  She teaches and inspires home gardeners to grow the best roses in their yards.  She currently maintains a large rose garden of 200 roses.  She volunteers with the San Diego Rose Society  and she has won the Rising Star Award from the American Rose Society.  She is also a rose exhibitor at the San Diego County Fair and has won over 125 ribbons.

Feel free to bring plant clippings and fruit to share with other members.

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If you would like to send us a sponsorship check or make a donation by check here is our mailing address:  

Mission Hills Garden Club

325 W. Washington, #166, 

San Diego, CA. 92103.

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Our Mission: To educate, to engage, to beautify, and to give back. Contact us | www.missionhillsgardenclub.org

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